At Blueprint Operations we recognises our duty to encourage safer gambling. We are licensed by the UK Gambling Commission to manufacture, supply, install, adapt, maintain, or repair gaming machines. Although we do not have a direct relationship with the public who use our machines, we are aware of our role in the promotion of safe gambling practices.
Create Awareness
Broaden public understanding of gambling-related harms, in particular as a public health issue
Build Prevention
Advance the cause of harm prevention so as to help build resilience, in particular in relation to the young and those most vulnerable to gambling-related harms
Provide Support
Help those that do develop gambling-related problems get the support that they need quickly and effectively
GamCare is the leading provider of information, advice, support, and free counselling for the prevention and treatment of problem gambling. They operate the National Gambling Helpline, provide treatment for problem gamblers and their families, create awareness about responsible gambling and treatment and encourage an effective approach to responsible gambling within the gambling industry.
If gambling’s on your mind, we are here to help, we offer free, confidential help and support to anyone who is worried about their or someone else’s gambling. Freephone 24-7 National Gambling Helpline 0808 8020 133.
The responsible Gaming Practices of BPO are audited and accredited by the Global Gambling Guidance Group.
BACTA was formed in 1974. With foundations laid in the late 19th Century, it now forms the largest trade association in the gaming arena and is the only association to represent the amusement industry in Great Britain.
The Gambling Commission was setup under the Gambling Act 2005 to regulate commercial gambling in Great Britain in partnership with licensing authorities.
BPO operates in a highly regulated industry and therefore puts legal and regulatory compliance at the centre of its business operations and adopts a zero-tolerance approach to any form of modern slavery or human trafficking.