Merkur Dispenser MD100 Update Information
Please find details about how to update your MD100 note dispenser

You will require a both:
- A USB Update Stick, which you can either download from the link above or order via email
- A USB Connection Lead, either A to B for MD100+ Blue or A to Micro for MD100+ Gold. Both can be ordered from our stores department. These are fitted as standard to all cabinets with an MD100+ Gold.
Yes, the USB’s can be used an unlimited amount of times for the corresponding note acceptor unit, however we advise leaving the USB cables fitted for future updates.
No, the kits are on a purchase only basis – they do not need to be returned.
With the machine turned on, hold down the red button beneath the note bezel on the MD100+ units for 3 seconds until the unit initializes. Once it begins to initialise, reboot the machine this should clear the error. Please inspect cables before rerunning the update.