Sascha Blodau; General Manager, Gauselmann (UK) Q&A
How will you look back on 2020?
Without doubt 2020 has been the most challenging year that I can remember.
How will you look back on 2020?
Without doubt 2020 has been the most challenging year that I can remember.
Safer gambling should be much more than just a slogan which is why Praesepe, the Gauselmann UK owned brand, is working hard to embed the culture among staff and customers at every opportunity.
Gauselmann UK has moved quickly to establish its’ 360 programme, inviting one of the world’s leading responsible gambling experts to join its Advisory Board.
Gauselmann UK is setting new standards of player protection with the launch of 360 – a programme which cements the company’s continuous commitment to social responsibility.
Gauselmann Group’s Merkur Casino arcades have been voted Germany’s ‘most popular gaming arcade’ by the respected business magazine Focus-Money.